Customizing tax in virtue-mart is not an easy task to do.
1.go to ps_checkout.php in classes folder
2.custom the code in there about the task you want to. have to be carefull in doing customizing the code cause it affects all virtue-mart process.
4.Just touch the code that ralate to the issue.
5. create your own function so that will not affect the other functions in there
6. You can use the other function through your fnction created.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Creating your own desired joomla template
Creating joomla template is just a simple task to do. Any body can make their own template according to the design they want, but basically you need to be familiar of the joomla CMS itself.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
How to custom the shipping methods in joomla virtuemart?
1. go to\administrator\components\com_virtuemart\html\
2. Open order.order_print.php
3. then edit the shipping information you want to.
2. Open order.order_print.php
3. then edit the shipping information you want to.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
How to edit mailfrom in joomla?
Mostly of the developer encountered problem in editing the default mailfrom in joomla
but there are many solution on this.
First Solution:
1. Go to site_url/
2. Edit the configuration.php
Second Solution:
1. Go to admin/global Configuration/Server
2. Edit Mail From Field.
3rd Solution:
1.Go to PHPmyadmin
3. Search the old mailfrom
4. Edit to the new one
but there are many solution on this.
First Solution:
1. Go to site_url/
2. Edit the configuration.php
var $mailfrom4.Then Edit to the desired mail from
Second Solution:
1. Go to admin/global Configuration/Server
2. Edit Mail From Field.
3rd Solution:
1.Go to PHPmyadmin
3. Search the old mailfrom
4. Edit to the new one
Friday, July 2, 2010
How to display dynamically the category name in frontend,admin and also in email sent in virtuemart in the desired position?
Mostly in virtuemart display category name in the admin but you cannot control where you want to display.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
How to fix the selection of country if it did not select any country?
Just like this:
and it will remove all the data first inputed.
How to make the data still intact?
1. Go
2. Open ps_userfield.php at line 696
3. Or find the code:
Then the bugs is fix.
and it will remove all the data first inputed.
How to make the data still intact?
1. Go
2. Open ps_userfield.php at line 696
3. Or find the code:
else if( formelement.options ) {4. and after this code paste this code:
if(document.getElementById('country_field').value == ''){ alert('Country is required!'); return false; }
Then the bugs is fix.
How to fix the required fields issue in joomla virtuemart?
this scenario exist when the user does not log in or sign in.
Here's the scenario how bugs exist in virtuemart:
1.You need to shop then select one product you want.
2.Add this product to cart.
3.Then Click check out.
4.Then click automatically the "Send Registration" button.
5.Try to put some text in other required field and click the "Send Registration" button again.
then after here's the picture:
as you observed just like others do even you filled the other required fields the label still in RED color.
then how to solve this?
1. You have to custom code the core code.
2. Go to
3. Open ps_userfield.php in line 664
4. Or try to find this code
try to comments if problem occur
this scenario exist when the user does not log in or sign in.
Here's the scenario how bugs exist in virtuemart:
1.You need to shop then select one product you want.
2.Add this product to cart.
3.Then Click check out.
4.Then click automatically the "Send Registration" button.
5.Try to put some text in other required field and click the "Send Registration" button again.
then after here's the picture:
as you observed just like others do even you filled the other required fields the label still in RED color.
then how to solve this?
1. You have to custom code the core code.
2. Go to
3. Open ps_userfield.php in line 664
4. Or try to find this code
if( !formelement ) { continue; }5. Then insert this code after the code above
document.getElementById(required_fields[i]+'$div_id_postfix').className += 'temp';6. And save it, now your problem is fixed.
try to comments if problem occur
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
What is a magento connect extension key?
Please don’t edit the page with the Extension key to your specific product - this is a generalized wiki article pertaining to Extension Keys in general.
The Magento Extension Key
Obtain an extension from Magento Connect
The Magento Extension Key
Obtain an extension from Magento Connect
1. Click the link to Magento Connect if you need to go and find an Extension 2. Click "Get Extension Key", agree to terms, and then copy the extension key.Once you obtain the Extension Key from Magento Connect, follow the instructions below to install the Extension to your site. Pay special attention to the extension release: For example, if it is Beta you will need to configure your store to accept Beta extensions.
1. Sign into your Magento store admin 2. Navigate to System > Magento Connect > Magento Connect Manager. 3. Paste in the extension key and click "Install". If you run into any issues, consult the extension documentation forums on Magento.If you need to configure your store to accept Beta or other releases.
1. Sign into your Magento store admin 2. Navigate to System > Magento Connect > Magento Connect Manager. 3. Select the "Settings" tab, and choose the "Preferred State" 4. Save Settings 5. Return to the Extension Tab, paste the extension key and click "Install"
Friday, June 4, 2010
How to enable the adsense problem in the site?
is there any one has the idea in solving this problem...
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
How to create a custom maintenance page in magento?
New Magento 1.4 brings changes in how errors are displayed along with an easy way to put your favorite store into maintenance mode.
If you check index.php file of new Magento 1.4, you’ll notice one interesting thingy, it checks for existence of “maintenance.flag” file in store root, if it’s found your store is put into maintenance mode. Service Temporarily Unavailable page is displayed with Please try again later message. Remember that administration can’t be accessed in maintenance mode along with the store.
Developers probably noticed that errors also are no longer displayed like before, as mentioned on Magento blog:
Since version for security reasons the trace in the Magento error report page is disabled by default. The “Error log number” does not give any information about the error. To enable the trace copy the errors/local.xml.sample to errors/local.xml and follow the instructions described in that file.
By default, error logs are placed in /var/report, named by mentioned log number. local.xml file is well commented, so open it and check possible configuration options. I really like emailing of error reports to specified email address.
If you want to change default maintenance look, you can change myskin value in /errors/local.xml file and create new /errors/myskin folder based on /errors/default. It functions the similar way as themes, if the phtml file isn’t found in your skin, the default will be used.
If you check index.php file of new Magento 1.4, you’ll notice one interesting thingy, it checks for existence of “maintenance.flag” file in store root, if it’s found your store is put into maintenance mode. Service Temporarily Unavailable page is displayed with Please try again later message. Remember that administration can’t be accessed in maintenance mode along with the store.
Developers probably noticed that errors also are no longer displayed like before, as mentioned on Magento blog:
Since version for security reasons the trace in the Magento error report page is disabled by default. The “Error log number” does not give any information about the error. To enable the trace copy the errors/local.xml.sample to errors/local.xml and follow the instructions described in that file.
By default, error logs are placed in /var/report, named by mentioned log number. local.xml file is well commented, so open it and check possible configuration options. I really like emailing of error reports to specified email address.
If you want to change default maintenance look, you can change myskin value in /errors/local.xml file and create new /errors/myskin folder based on /errors/default. It functions the similar way as themes, if the phtml file isn’t found in your skin, the default will be used.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
How to add featured products to homepage in magento
====== Add Featured Products to Home Page ======
- Create a category to contain the featured products. Call it e.g. "Featured" or "Home Page". Set "Is Active" to No. That way, it won't display in the catalog menu.
- After saving the category, please note what ID it gets. You can see it in the last part of the URL. If the URL ends with ''catalog_category/edit/id/8/'', the ID is 8. On later version, the ID is next to the category name:{{how_to:categoryid.png?625}}
- Add products for the home page to the new category.
- Edit the Home Page (CMS -> Manage Pages -> Home Page) and add the following content, where 8 should be replaced by your category ID:
{{how_to:notice.png}} If your product/list.html references $this->getColumnCount() you can vary the column count (e.g. 4 columns) from the default (3) displayed by using:
If you want a view that is different from the category lists, you can copy and modify list.phtml and change the path above. Following steps is an example.
==== Add Bestsellers to Home Page using the best-selling box of Blue Theme ====
In Blue Theme, there is a sample HTML code in the content box (Admin -> CMS -> Manage Pages -> Home Page) that displays a list of Best Selling Products. You can easily modify list.phtml to reuse the skin of the best-selling box. Adding featured products to Home Page is a matter of clicking to select the required products in the category (Admin -> CMS -> Manage Categories -> Category Products tab) as outlined in the above method and there is no need to mess with the HTML code in the CMS.
- Copy the following code to your preferred text editor
- Edit the Home Page (CMS -> Manage Pages -> Home Page) and add the following content, where 19 should be replaced by your category ID:
**Please note:** In order to make this work for more than one block of products with different category IDs on the same page, you need to add the following code at the end of your phtml file(s):
===== Alternative way: =====
If you are on 1.4 or greater or 1.7EE or greater then this post is no longer valid as magento has moved to using widgets. You can find a featured product widget here:
If you want more in depth way, try to view this post:
If you're using Magento v1.1.5 or later, you might want to use these code snippets instead:
This approach uses core functions instead of using Zend DB to figure out how to build a query statement.
- Create a category to contain the featured products. Call it e.g. "Featured" or "Home Page". Set "Is Active" to No. That way, it won't display in the catalog menu.
- After saving the category, please note what ID it gets. You can see it in the last part of the URL. If the URL ends with ''catalog_category/edit/id/8/'', the ID is 8. On later version, the ID is next to the category name:{{how_to:categoryid.png?625}}
- Add products for the home page to the new category.
- Edit the Home Page (CMS -> Manage Pages -> Home Page) and add the following content, where 8 should be replaced by your category ID:
{{block type="catalog/product_list" category_id="8" template="catalog/product/list.phtml"}}
{{how_to:notice.png}} If your product/list.html references $this->getColumnCount() you can vary the column count (e.g. 4 columns) from the default (3) displayed by using:
{{block type="catalog/product_list" column_count="4" category_id="8" template="catalog/product/list.phtml"}}Although displaying more than 3 columns in your template would likely require additional CSS/layout changes as well.
If you want a view that is different from the category lists, you can copy and modify list.phtml and change the path above. Following steps is an example.
==== Add Bestsellers to Home Page using the best-selling box of Blue Theme ====
In Blue Theme, there is a sample HTML code in the content box (Admin -> CMS -> Manage Pages -> Home Page) that displays a list of Best Selling Products. You can easily modify list.phtml to reuse the skin of the best-selling box. Adding featured products to Home Page is a matter of clicking to select the required products in the category (Admin -> CMS -> Manage Categories -> Category Products tab) as outlined in the above method and there is no need to mess with the HTML code in the CMS.
- Copy the following code to your preferred text editor
getLoadedProductCollection() ?> count()): ?>- Name it homelist.phtml and save it in location ''app/design/frontend/default/blue/template/catalog/product'', create the folders where necessary__('There are no products matching the selection.') ?>count() ?>count() ?>
htmlEscape($_product->getName()) ?>
getPriceHtml($_product, true) ?>
getRatingSummary()): ?>
getReviewsSummaryHtml($_product, 'short') ?>
getShortDescription()) ?>
__('Learn More') ?>
- Edit the Home Page (CMS -> Manage Pages -> Home Page) and add the following content, where 19 should be replaced by your category ID:
Best Selling Products
{{block type="catalog/product_list" category_id="19" template="catalog/product/homelist.phtml"}}
**Please note:** In order to make this work for more than one block of products with different category IDs on the same page, you need to add the following code at the end of your phtml file(s):
===== Alternative way: =====
If you are on 1.4 or greater or 1.7EE or greater then this post is no longer valid as magento has moved to using widgets. You can find a featured product widget here:
If you want more in depth way, try to view this post:
If you're using Magento v1.1.5 or later, you might want to use these code snippets instead:
This approach uses core functions instead of using Zend DB to figure out how to build a query statement.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Magento: How to fix the cookie problem when logging or registering as a customer?
open your hosts file with notepad (or another plain text editor, do not use word!)
The location of the file is c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
Add the ip address and the magento e-commerce URL:
example: www.localhost.local localhost.local
save the file and open your browser with : the path(url to your magento e-commerce)
Do not forget to edit the url path(s) in admin panel under System>Configuration>Web
The location of the file is c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
Add the ip address and the magento e-commerce URL:
example: www.localhost.local localhost.local
save the file and open your browser with : the path(url to your magento e-commerce)
Do not forget to edit the url path(s) in admin panel under System>Configuration>Web
Magento: How to hide unwanted blocks in the sidebar on some pages using Layout Update XML?
do you have any idea on how to do this?
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
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